As the adage goes, “Failure to plan is planning to fail” and that couldn’t have been truer this week. I was able to successfully finish four full weeks of the Keto Diet but as of this Monday I am going back to a balanced diet. I will definitely go back to this diet 3-4 times throughout the year; however, my life is getting very busy and I need to be able to enjoy healthy meals without having to put in the effort of counting macros every day. Over the last four weeks I have lost five pounds, I have lost two inches around my waist, and I feel like I have had absolutely no bloating the entire time I’ve been on this diet.
Biggest Takeaways:
1) Snacking: I never thought that I snacked at work. In fact, I always said I didn’t snack at work. However, during week 1 I kept up with all the food I passed up and the calories easily added up to an extra few meals during the week! I will definitely continue to refuse snacks and treats offered to me at work because this has been extremely beneficial to my overall health
2) Drink Water: the keto diet requires you to drink a lot of water. Your body is extra thirsty because the diet acts as a diuretic the first 1-2 weeks you are on it. That means your body is depleting water faster than usual so you really have to maintain your hydration. Drinking water is so important for maintaining bodily functions and it aids in weight loss. I will continue to try to drink 1 gallon of water each day.
3) Low Carb: I will continue to incorporate a low carb diet in the sense that instead of regular whole wheat pasta noodles, I will use vegetable noodles. I won’t have rice with every meal as a side and if I decide to eat potatoes, I will only eat sweet potatoes. I will also continue to avoid fried food. It isn’t good for you and saying no to it has become second nature at this point